
Dental Implants: Myths vs. Facts

Dental Implants: Myths vs. Facts

Dental implants have become more common as a replacement option for missing teeth. Even so, there are still many myths out there that cause people to avoid or miss out on the opportunity for high quality replacement teeth. 

Here are some common myths about dental implants and the actual facts that debunk them. 

Myth: Dental Implants Often Fail 

Fact: It is a common misconception that dental implants have a high rate of failure. In actuality, they have a 98% success rate when placed properly by a qualified, experienced dentist. Dental implant failure is most often due to lack of proper follow up care. You can increase your chances of dental implant success by following your dentist’s post-operative instructions and going to your follow up dental appointments. 

Myth: Dental Implants Take a Long Time 

Fact: The process for dental implant placement can take anywhere from a few months to a year in some cases. Dental implants are placed in a few steps. The first appointment is a consultation and evaluation to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants and if it is the right option for you. Then plans can be made so that your next appointment will involve placement of the implant(s). Dental implants take a few months to bond with the bone, after which the abutment can be attached to the implant, the post that supports the artificial tooth or teeth. A few weeks after the abutment is attached, the prosthetic can be placed, and the process is complete. 

In some cases dental implants can be placed in a single day. If you’re interested in this option, ask your dentist if you might be a candidate. 

Myth: Dental Implant Placement is Painful 

Fact: Various forms of anesthesia can be used to ensure that dental implant surgery doesn’t hurt. In most cases dental implants can be placed with just local anesthesia to numb the area while you remain awake. If you request sedation, it can be provided to help you relax. 

Myth: Dental Implants Are Not Covered By Insurance

Fact: Some dental insurance plans do cover dental implants. It may not cover the entire cost, but a portion of the cost. Basic plans may not cover dental implants, so it may require an upgrade to a more comprehensive plan. If you think dental implants may be a possibility for you, it may be in your best interest to consider upgrading to a dental insurance plan that covers dental implants. 

In some cases medical insurance may cover dental implants. If the loss of teeth is due to an accident or trauma of some kind, medical insurance may consider them to be medically necessary. 

Myth: Dental Implants Are Not Affordable

Fact: Dental implants may be on the high end of the cost spectrum for dental procedures due to their high quality, but that doesn’t mean they are not affordable. There are financing options for dental implants that can divide the cost into low monthly payments with little or no interest. You can also use Flex Spending Accounts (FSA) and Health Savings Accounts (HSA). 

Myth: It is Difficult to Qualify for Dental Implants 

Fact: Not everyone is a good candidate for dental implants immediately due to situations such as bone loss in the jaw. However, this does not mean that you are not able to get dental implants, it simply means that you may need some preparation first. Bone grafting can rebuild lost bone structure to make dental implants possible for you. 

Myth: Dental Implants Require Special Care 

Fact: Single dental implants do not require any special care. You can brush and floss your teeth just as you would your natural teeth. If you have implant supported bridges or dentures, you may simply need to clean under them with a small brush, superfloss, or a water flosser. Maintenance is pretty simple. 

Learn More About Implants From Dental Wellness Team 

If you still have questions about dental implants or if you’d like to find out if they would be right for you, Dental Wellness Team would be happy to meet with you for a consultation. 

Call 954-796-3355 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.