LANAP Laser Treatment

Effective and More Comfortable Treatment

About half of all adults in the United States have gum disease, but many don’t even know it until they experience late-stage symptoms like gum recession and tooth loss. This is why regular dental checkups and early treatment for gum disease are critical.

Traditional treatment for gum disease involves cutting into the gum tissue and folding it back to remove the plaque and tartar that have built up below the gumline. The LANAP method is an innovative laser surgery that treats gum disease and also regenerates the gum tissue and bone lost due to periodontitis. LANAP is an acronym for Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure and it is a more effective and comfortable treatment used to remove diseased tissue, encourage gum reattachment, and promote healing. Patients who receive LANAP treatment often experience less gum recession, which helps improve the overall appearance of the smile.

How LANAP Works

Traditional gum surgery is uncomfortable and requires a lengthy recovery time. LANAP allows patients to go back to their normal lives faster because it involves very little pain and a shorter recovery period. The laser is more precise than traditional tools, which means that less healthy tissue is damaged during treatment. LANAP stimulates tissue regeneration, preventing gum recession and reversing the effects of periodontal disease. During LANAP treatment, we clean between the teeth and gum pockets using a specialized laser tool with a small probe attached to the tip. The probe uses a beam of light to remove the infected gum tissue and sanitize pockets. This reduces inflammation and prevents future infection.
General Dentistry

Is LANAP The Right Choice For Your Smile?

You may be a candidate for LANAP surgery if you have deep pockets or other symptoms of moderate to severe gum disease. These signs include:
General Dentistry


Yes, LANAP is an effective treatment for gum disease that has been backed by numerous studies. It has a lower risk of tooth loss and provides superior results when it comes to promoting gum reattachment and tissue regeneration.
Yes, one of the advantages of LANAP is that it stimulates the regrowth of bone that has been lost due to gum disease.
LANAP has great success in stopping the progression of gum disease and saving patients from the devastating effects of tooth loss. It’s important to follow our aftercare instructions and stick to the periodontal treatment plan provided to you to ensure that your gum disease does not return.
You will not experience pain during LANAP treatment, but it’s not uncommon to have some tenderness in the treated area for a few days after the procedure.
You are likely to have sore gums, swelling, and even light bleeding after your LANAP treatment. Tooth sensitivity may also occur. Discomfort can be treated with cold compresses and over-the-counter pain medications. We’ll provide you with instructions to help keep you comfortable in the days following the surgery.