
Am I A Candidate for Dental Implants?

Do you have one or more teeth that are missing or can’t be saved? Severe decay, injuries, gum disease, and other situations can cause damage to your teeth and their support structures, resulting in teeth that are lost or need to be extracted. 

It is important to replace missing or damaged teeth rather than leaving empty spaces in your mouth that could increase the risk of tooth decay and allow the other teeth to shift out of place. One potential replacement option is dental implants. Dental implants are considered to be the highest quality dental prosthetics because they function like natural teeth and can last for the rest of your life. 

Are you wondering if you are a candidate for dental implants? Here’s what you need to be eligible for a dental implant restoration. 

What is a Dental Implant? 

A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically placed in the bone of your jaw to replace the root of a missing tooth. The implant fuses with the bone through a process called osseointegration, forming a solid bond between the titanium and the jaw bone tissue that can last a lifetime. A few months after the implant is placed and has had time to bond with the bone, an abutment and crown can be attached to it to complete the restoration. 

Types of Dental Implant Restorations

Dental implants can also replace multiple teeth, anywhere from a few to a full arch. 

  • Single tooth replacement. A single dental implant can replace one missing tooth at a time. Multiple singular teeth can be replaced with implants. 
  • Implant supported dentures. Between 4 and 6 dental implants can be placed throughout the jaw that will serve as anchors to support a full arch denture. 
  • Implant supported bridge. An implant supported bridge can replace several teeth in a row with just two implants. 

What Makes Someone a Good Candidate for Dental Implants? 

In order to be eligible for dental implants, there must be sufficient bone structure in the jaw in the location where the implant needs to be placed. The bone is carefully measured for width, depth, and density to be sure it is able to support an implant. If the bone is too thin or weak, it is not able to support a traditional dental implant. This means you are not currently an ideal candidate for a dental implant restoration. 

What Options Are There For Patients Who Aren’t Candidates for Dental Implants? 

Just because you are not immediately eligible for dental implants doesn’t mean you can never get them. There are a few options for patients who want to get dental implants but don’t qualify in their current condition. Options include: 

  • Bone grafting. Bone grafting is a procedure that is used to thicken and regenerate bone tissue. A bone fragment is placed on top of the existing bone under the gum tissue. It fuses with the existing bone to make it thicker and stronger. It also encourages the regeneration of the natural bone tissue. After a few months, the jaw bone will most likely be ready to receive a dental implant. 
  • Subperiosteal Dental Implants. An alternative type of dental implants are available called subperiosteal dental implants. Rather than being implanted in the bone, this type sits on top of the jaw bone and gradually fuses with the bone tissue. Once a solid bond is created, a dental prosthetic can be attached. 

Can Anyone Become Eligible for Dental Implants?

Almost every patient is or can become eligible for dental implants. After a brief evaluation, the Dental Wellness Team can make a recommendation for the best tooth restoration option for you. If dental implants are your goal, we will do everything we can to help you get them, as long as it is in the best interest of your oral and overall health. 

Call 954-796-3355 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.