
How Do Dental Implants Work?

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are replacement teeth. When one or more teeth are missing or need to be extracted, dental implants can be put in their place, offering a natural look and function. They are considered to be the highest quality tooth replacement option available today. 


If you’re thinking about getting dental implants, you may be wondering how they work. Here’s an overview of dental implants and how they can improve your dental and oral health. 

What is a Dental Implant? 

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root, typically made of titanium, that is surgically placed in the jaw. It is shaped like a screw with threads that help it fuse with the bone, forming a solid bond that is strong enough to support artificial teeth. Dental implants can replace anywhere from one to all of the teeth in your mouth. 

Single Tooth Replacement 

When a single tooth needs to be replaced, or a few teeth that are not adjacent, single dental implants can be used. These consist of 3 parts: the implant, the abutment, and the crown. The implant must be placed first, after which it will fuse with the bone over the course of a few months. Then the abutment can be attached to the implant that will be used to connect the crown. The final step is to attach the crown to the abutment and your single tooth restoration is complete. 

Implant Supported Bridges 

To replace a few teeth in a row, implant supported bridges are an option. Two dental implants are placed in the jaw to support the bridge. Both ends of the bridge are crowns that attach to the implants with the necessary number of pontics (artificial teeth) connecting them. An implant supported bridge can replace up to 4 teeth in a row. 

Implant Supported Dentures 

When all of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw, or both, need to be replaced, implant supported dentures provide a complete restoration. 4-6 dental implants are placed in the jaw in strategic locations to provide the best support. Then a full arch denture is attached to the implants for a solid hold that is more secure than traditional dentures. Implant supported dentures can be fixed or removable. 

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants? 

If you’re wondering if dental implants are the right tooth replacement option for you, the first step is a consultation. Then an evaluation will be done to determine whether or not dental implants are possible in your situation. 


Patients with bone loss in the jaw due to missing teeth may be eligible for Subperiosteal Dental Implants. These fit over the jaw bone and help to regenerate lost bone tissue over time, providing support for dental prosthetics. 

Get Started Today 

If you’re interested in dental implants, Dental Wellness Team would be happy to meet with you for a consultation. After a brief evaluation we can provide a recommendation for the best tooth replacement option for you. 


Call 954-796-3355 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants 


How long do dental implants last? 

Once a dental implant has fully fused with the jaw bone, it can last for the rest of your life. The dental prosthetic, meaning the crown, bridge, or dentures, may wear out over time and need to be replaced. But the implant itself is usually good forever. 


Are dental implants worth the cost? 

Dental implants are a worthwhile investment in your dental health. They provide a natural look and function that allows you to eat the foods you love and smile confidently. Dental implants can be financed to divide the cost into affordable payments.